just doing something I have been promising for ages, Enough time spent browsing, somebody can browse me ( Even if it is only my mom) Captions of tg, and the other - whatever that is.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
Oh my God! Is that really him?
Yes. Or at least this is the new him. Meet Candi, formerly Colin.
I didn't believe you! And 'Candi' seems so happy, does he - sorry, she - understand what has happened to him/her?
Oh Candi here understands perfectly that she was a lousy husband, but an excellent non-thinking and non-complaining general house-slave and lover. He enjoys cooking, cleaning, housework, and is expert at massage and oral sex. All-in-all, a very loyal, happy, loving wife.
It must have been amazingly hard to take him this far?
Not at all. Very simple inductions and showing him the pictures and magazines he used to keep hidden from me. I chose one of his favourite girls and formed a link between his liking for her and a desire to be her. A lot of what you see he did to himself really. All I needed to do was point him in the right direction. And, of course, Candi in the pictures was a bit of a bimbo, so Colin here just HAD to be the same.
That is amazing. And you said 'lover' ?
Yes, Candi here is 100% gay, 'she' has always liked girls, and I saw no reason to change that
Hmmmm, my Jim has been a bit of a disapointment in the sex department recently, and never sets foot in the kitchen except to get a beer out of the fridge, maybe you two could have a chat someday soon?
I am sure we could dear, and if you could provide me with a picture to use as a template, I am sure I can do something about his attitude.
He had tried to run. He had tried to hide. But it was no use, it was never any use. The advance invading force of the Delmondians were relentless. Already over 40% of the worlds population had been caught by the fearful 'femmemould' the crawling, unsleeping tar like substance that once in contact with you never lets go, that covers and infiltrates everybody it comes in contact with. He knew his fate was already sealed, He had seen the warning films that the world's governments had issued. He knew he was lost, and that soon the mould would form him into whatever shape the Delmondians wanted, and that the 'persuaders' would be upon him with their 'peaceful hegemony helmet' to alter his thoughts as much as his body.
He was petrified, but then the mould slipped inside him, and he realised that there could be worse ends.
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
There! All done. I really wish you boys had been smiling more though when I cast the spell. I think Peter there was the only one of you who quite enjoyed the change happening. At least he doesn't look as pissed off as you, Marty and Fraser. Well, the plus side for Peter is he gets played with more than you other two - what girl wants their dollies to look grumpy?
I wonder if you are actually still in there, knowing what happened to you, or did the spell turn your petty little minds plastic too? Well, boys, the spell cost me three weeks' pocket money, and the spell to undo it is even more expensive - so make the best of it, ok? And I hope that when and if I change you back you stop messing with my toys!
Hubby's Cleaning Club
Thats is, hold it......*click*
Ok, everybody, relax, that will be one for the album. Hopefully the next shot will include me and dear Andrew out of his cage and into a nice uniform. I really have to thank you ladies for letting me join the club, I was at my wits end with Andy and his womanising. This is the best solution for all. I don't have to worry about his whereabouts or where that dick of his is, he doesn't pay for a divorce, I get to decide what we spend his income on, and if my house looks as clean as yours then I get more leisure time too!
Best Mates
Rick looked at his best mate Tim, he tried to keep smiling like he had been told, but the effort was killing him.
'Best mate my arse' he thought. 'Gambling a months rent away in one night of poker with the landlord. And that creepy bastard landlord then demanding they repay ''in kind'' at his club. What could they do? No money, no flat if they refused, no credit to draw on - it was a stuggle enough to pay the rent as it was without having to find the extra month. And to cap it all here he was dressed in this bloody outfit with his cock painfully tucked away and his hair shaved off - and just to put the icing on the cake Tim looked so much better than him! Tomorrow night I want the red outfit and wig!'
Monday, July 29, 2013
Jesus. look at me! I'm a total hottie! The blurb from Nirvana Tech was right, they really do deliver what they promise, and more. I'm damned near almost irrististible. Hell, I even fancy myself.
So you should Simone
mmm, now think, Simon, what do we do now? Stay in and explore this body or go out clubbing and find out what it can experience?
Go out Simone, go get to know what it truly feels like to be a godess
Rght, think clearly Simon - get a grip- no good having this body unless it is seen and admired, is it?
Ok, so. Out iit is then. And then sex. Loads of sex, I want to experience a female orgasm so much.
Thats right Simone, it is clear now
Shit. That means I need a cock, and I'm still a man, whatever I look like. I bloody hate homosexuals. Any guy gets his cock out in front of me gets it bitten off
I mean he gets a good kick in the balls. Bloody homos should be shot! No, I'm straight - women only for me
But you are a woman Simone
Damn! Ok, think it through. Lesbians are a waste of good flesh, but taking a man is off the agenda. Shit, I should have thought this through!
It's empty down below Simone, isn't it?
Does it make me gay if I fuck a man or two as a female? What about if I sucked but didn't swallow? What about a threesome - then it sort of evens out?
Now you are thinking Simone
Ok, right. going out, maybe a threesome, maybe just a bit of cock-sucking,so long as it is a decent sized cock, I don't want some small-time Joe, not for a first time.
First time Simone? Planning more are you?
A threesome? Now thats an idea. Where can I find two decent hunky guys to go along with that?
Did I just decide to do two guys? Shit this is wierd
Winner Takes It All
That's right boys, go for it!
Remember, whoever gives the best blow-job gets to return to their own bodies and leave here with the £25,000. The loser stays as he is now and can forget( at least until the next challenger comes along) leaving here at all and paying the forfeit.
My my Peter, I do believe you backed off a little there. Do I detect a little reluctance to leave quite yet or maybe you hate what you are doing? I wonder if Fraser here is that desperate for the money, or if he just loves the sucking more than you. Either way, unless you swallow your pride (and a lot else too) it seems you will be staying with me for a little while longer, and I cant say I am upset at the prospect - you have a very inviting ass.
Friday, July 12, 2013
A Building Society you can trust!
We here at 'Countrywide Building Society' pride ourselves on our honest, open and up-front approach to our customers. We believe in giving our investors and borrowers a degree of understanding that can't be found anywhere but at 'Countrywide Building Society'.
As a mutual, we are owned by our customers, and feel our first duty is to them, not for us the greed and selfishness of the other banks and building societies owned by large corporate shareholders; our directors earn only a fraction of other major banks' chiefs earn; our investors see a more positive bonus than is available elsewhere in the financial services industry.
Fairness is our password at 'Countrywide' as can be seen from this recent picture sent in from one of our happy customers. A Mr Steven Hastings, of London, sent this snap of Mr Jeremy Stokes to us , with his grateful thanks that we at 'Countrywide Building Society' really do service more needs than other institutions.
Mr Stokes had surpassed his overdraft limit by almost £6, or almost £88 once charges had been applied. As is our policy we didn't foreclose on him, or take him to court, no. We here at 'Countrywide' think of ourselves as more enlightened, and so sent him to assist in the household of our friend, and much more responsible customer Mr Hastings to pay off the debt so both of our highly valued customers thereby getting what they truly deserve.
'Countrywide - the more enlightened Society, where people get what they deserve'
meet the ex
Now, David, I said we needed a chat tonight, so let's not beat about the bush, allright? I sense a little cooling in your feelings for me, and have heard a disturbing rumour about you. I have heard that you have been flirting with that hussy Julia from down the road.
Well I have given it some thought, and came to the conclusion that it is about time you met my last boyfriend Andrew, or Andi as he goes by now. He, for some unfathomable reason, decided I wasnt the woman for him and went off with some tart. I can tell you I wasn't best pleased. so had a little chat with him about it.
Naturally, he saw my side of the argument, and saw the hurt and anguish he had caused me, and so naturally he should repay me by serving me in whatever way I desired, when I desired. He did always have a thing about shoes and heels, so I treat him occasionally to a taste.
You realise that I am telling you this, and introducing you to Andrew just so you know all the facts, don't you David dear? I wouldn't dream of threatening you
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Just look at the two of you! Janice, you are the best maid anybody could wish for, so reliable, diligent and attentive, and I must say you lick my boots cleaner than I thought possible! And Roger here, such fun uncomplaining punch-bag, ash tray and dogsbody.
Oh, how you two must have laughed at me all the time you carried on behind my back. All those months with my man living a lie, and sleeping with a vacuous tart like you.Well, my dear, how does it feel now? What's that? oh, I'm sorry, I forgot - I know you THINK I am an evil bitch, but what you SAY is ''Yes Ma'am, whatever You wish me to do I will do''.
It must be awful not being able to do anything about your predicament, not even telling anybody else about it. But I am a woman of my word; when I promised your suffering would only last 6 months - the same amount of time your affair with my husband lasted - I meant it. After that time is up then your torment will end. You will no longer suffer the agony of your punishment, but instead relish the chance to serve me. The man, your lover, will not be given the choice - he will watch me do my work inside your head and he will know what it is like to lose a lover.

Saturday, June 29, 2013
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
OK Peter, you are adapting adequately. Each little step will bring you a reward. Remember when you got your first uniform? My, how you complained! But after a week with your cock tucked away safely you saw the futility of protesting and asked to be released.
And I did release you, didn't I? Because you accepted the clothes I chose.
Then , when you stopped complaining about the heels I removed the plug. See? acceptance brings rewards.
And you cried and screamed so much when I mentioned surgery! But the days in the cage with the collar sorted that out, didn't it? It felt so good when I released you to move around again, you remember how grateful you were? Yes? That's good. It is good to be rewarded for acceptable behaviour Peter. And the surgery gave you a body that pleases me, so you got to sleep in a bed again, instead of that blanket on the floor. Much more comfortable, yes?
Whats that? Yes, you understand that pleasing me makes your life better, one step at a time.
Now, would you like those pegs removed?
You would? Good. And what should you do to get them removed?
That's right! Good girl! Yes, pleasing me will get them removed, you learn quickly 'Petra'. Now, young lady, lets discuss pleasing me in more detail. To start with you can call me 'Master'......
And I did release you, didn't I? Because you accepted the clothes I chose.
Then , when you stopped complaining about the heels I removed the plug. See? acceptance brings rewards.
And you cried and screamed so much when I mentioned surgery! But the days in the cage with the collar sorted that out, didn't it? It felt so good when I released you to move around again, you remember how grateful you were? Yes? That's good. It is good to be rewarded for acceptable behaviour Peter. And the surgery gave you a body that pleases me, so you got to sleep in a bed again, instead of that blanket on the floor. Much more comfortable, yes?
Whats that? Yes, you understand that pleasing me makes your life better, one step at a time.
Now, would you like those pegs removed?
You would? Good. And what should you do to get them removed?
That's right! Good girl! Yes, pleasing me will get them removed, you learn quickly 'Petra'. Now, young lady, lets discuss pleasing me in more detail. To start with you can call me 'Master'......
Hey Sam, the Judge just called me into His office. He says owing to our good behaviour we only have two weeks of our punishment to run and then the clinic will return us to our old bodies and lives.
Really, two weeks is all Dave? And then back to the old lives of the office and bars?
Yeah..........no more being used and abused
Yeah........no more having to suck on the Judge's cock whenever he tells us too
Yeah........ no more of these uniforms and all those curtsey's and giggling. We can get back to chasing the girls again.
Yeah.........Fuck it, I need to find something heavy, that window is going to have to go.
You do that, I'm off to scratch my name into the paintwork of his Rolls. Should be worth
another six months, you reckon?
Really, two weeks is all Dave? And then back to the old lives of the office and bars?
Yeah........no more having to suck on the Judge's cock whenever he tells us too
Yeah........ no more of these uniforms and all those curtsey's and giggling. We can get back to chasing the girls again.
Yeah.........Fuck it, I need to find something heavy, that window is going to have to go.
You do that, I'm off to scratch my name into the paintwork of his Rolls. Should be worth
another six months, you reckon?
Monday, June 17, 2013
Tell, the truth
It was such an easy bet to win - just shoot the apple of his son's head and win land, wealth and the sevices of one of the Tyrnat's concubines for the rest of his life. Lose and he would serve the Tyrant in his palace for the rest of his life.
Of course he took the bet - he was the best archer in the land - steady of nerve, eye and hand. So what had gone wrong?
William had heard of the Tyrant's magical powers, obviously, but there was a pledge not to use them until the bet was won or lost. William also knew of the strange sense of humour the Tyrant possesed, but the thought of losing had never crossed his mind, he was the best shot in the land, after all (until today), he reminded himself. He was at a loss to understand the failure.
'Oh, bad luck there', he heard the Tyrant say,'now come and sit on my lap "Wilemina" and let us discuss your new duties. Or would you fancy a double-or-nothing bet with your sons service the wager'?
A time to diet
I can see you are struggling there Rupert, and not only with staying in that dress! Well, let me explain things. You remember what you said about my sister? You said you only went with her because fat girls like her have to give out so easy because it is the only way they are ever going to get boys, that they are usually a cinch to lay.

28 days later.......
Friday, June 14, 2013
Personal Assistant
"Hello, Mr Benson's office.......
no sir, I am afraid Christopher Johnson no longer works for us here at Ace Pharmaceuticals......
yes sir, it was a sudden departure.......
I don't think it is a secret that he considered himself something of a ladies man sir, yes......
well, apparently he overstepped the mark with the company president's niece here......
step dad
stop whining Pete, if you hadn't been such a troublesome son then I wouldn't have had to take these measures. Now, tonight is a big night for the two of us, I intend to bring back my date, and I don't need to remind you that I plan to marry him and get my hands on some of that fortune he has. I have done my bit as best I can, and it is up to you to start repaying me back for all the hassle you have given me recently, not to mention your recent 'treatment'.
If I marry him you will be sent away to college and maybe, just maybe, the changes can be undone. You will be friendly, cheerful and prepared to help me entice him into marriage by not refusing any requests.

Friday, May 31, 2013
Three Strikes
'Oh God, no! They have even taken that. Jesus, I didn't deserve this. Shoplifting is all I was guilty of - a couple of pounds is all. This isn't right, this is an infringement, I'm going to sue somebody'
''Three strikes and you're out'' was proving a success - even if it did catch some minor criminals. Well, the politicians thought, if you are stupid enough to carry on commiting crimes after two warnings, then you deserve what you get.
'Maybe I can appeal somehow', thought Steven as he almost unconciously continued to ''look for his penis'' in his trousers. 'I didn't like the way the judge looked at me when he mentioned the community service part of the sentence, there was a definite leer'.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
It works!
Oh my god! It worked! At last Dr Morauex, we have it cracked! Well, 95% anyway. I din't program a stereotypical bimbo appearance into the gendoputer's memory, but still, this is a massive leap forward!
I did some additional programming Robert, so do not worry about the appearance, everything is going to plan. Now, one further test to do..
'What is that Doctor, it seems to me we have all the data we need, lets get me back to normal, and finalize our paper'.
'Like I say, one more test Robert'
'What, what are you talking about Darling? Er,sorry, I didn't mean to call you that Doct, er, Darling. Hell, what have you done?'
'Minor adjestments Robert, to add a little mental reconditioning to the physical changes in the program. A bimbo appearance is no good without a bimbo mind. You MUST agree to that?'
'Of course I do, but why Darling? we are on the cusp of great things!'
'of course I trust you Darling, but what are you doing?'
'Oh Darling, please let me suck your wonderful cock, you know how much Bobbie luvs your cock. Pleeeaaassseee'
Steve looked down fondly at his toy nesstling on his crotch and fondly remembered the fun he used to have.
'God, I miss my cock, there must be SOMETHING I can do to persuade that her to get me back to how I was' he thought.
'Maybe if I take a vow and promise on the bible to never cheat on her again she would forgive me and put everything back as it was'
'Hey, Stevie, get that fucktoy ass of yours down here this instant you lazy bitch and stop daydreaming! You have guests down here waiting to use that body of yours'
He sighed. God, how much cock did he have to take before she considered the punishment enough?
Tuesday, May 21, 2013
The Team part 5
Right, here you go, download the picture to your profile and add the intro like I told you to. ‘yes Mistress Angela’ he answered and starting typing’
Obedient sissy sex toy available for the use of gay guys. I have no limits and am available for singles or groups. Currently owned, but my Mistress has instructed me to offer myself here as I need training to please men. Mistress will consider selling me if I please you. If sold I come with a guarantee of 6 months useage before programming corrupts. I come with triggers for any changes you wish to make, although my Mistress has ensured that for those 6 months I can please only men. She says that hopefully by the time my programming finishes my mind will be conditioned to continue in this vein. I understand and accept that my views on the matter are of no consequence.
That’s right Greg. Now post it and give me the account details, remove any history of visiting the site. You have done what you were told, so you may continue to serve me for a little longer as a reward. I will send you some more instructions before the weekend. Now get into boy clothes and take the makeup off. When I leave you will count slowly to 50, and then awake as Ron. You will have no memory of my visit tonight.
She left, any worries that she was pushing her revenge too far were assuaged by the memory Ron and the rest of the teams hateful attitude to her and other homosexuals.
Right, here you go, download the picture to your profile and add the intro like I told you to. ‘yes Mistress Angela’ he answered and starting typing’
Obedient sissy sex toy available for the use of gay guys. I have no limits and am available for singles or groups. Currently owned, but my Mistress has instructed me to offer myself here as I need training to please men. Mistress will consider selling me if I please you. If sold I come with a guarantee of 6 months useage before programming corrupts. I come with triggers for any changes you wish to make, although my Mistress has ensured that for those 6 months I can please only men. She says that hopefully by the time my programming finishes my mind will be conditioned to continue in this vein. I understand and accept that my views on the matter are of no consequence.
That’s right Greg. Now post it and give me the account details, remove any history of visiting the site. You have done what you were told, so you may continue to serve me for a little longer as a reward. I will send you some more instructions before the weekend. Now get into boy clothes and take the makeup off. When I leave you will count slowly to 50, and then awake as Ron. You will have no memory of my visit tonight.
She left, any worries that she was pushing her revenge too far were assuaged by the memory Ron and the rest of the teams hateful attitude to her and other homosexuals.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Tranquil Hegemony
Remember to brace yourself Angelique, and to take a deep breath before you fire - you should be as still as possible when you fire. Aim for the centre of the body, and make your first conversion a nice, clean strike.
Picarn loved the way her new converts were eager to please her and add to the slow but steady increase in her forces. The knowledge of who they once were was still inside them, like the memories of a bad dream. The women became more beautiful, and the men became more….well….just look at Angelique! Angelique here was her 16th convert on this awful planet, each one of them retaining the knowledge from their previous lives. After the initial bewilderment of finding themselves in a more pleasing form for the Commander, they, without exception, took to their new roles with alacrity, and were more than eager to use their old knowledge to add to their numbers with both ever more useful converts. Eventually Commander Picarn would wield real power through her girls.
Saturday, May 4, 2013
That's What Mates Are For...
You have to tell him Bill.
I know, I know. Just don’t rush me will ya Ted.
Well get it over and done with, this is killing me.
Killing you? How do you think I feel? And what about Sam here when he finds out?
Tell me what lads? Are we going to have our fem night or what?
Well, Sam, that’s the whole point you see. Ted here, well his wife sort of found out about our ‘poker’ nights. She went spare, I tell you. And she told my Mary. The shit hit the fan in a big way mate. You ain’t got to live with a crappy mooded woman like us two, with you being single. You have no idea how much hell it can be.
Yeah, Sam. I’ve been told no sex for a month. It’s frosty at home, an’ that’s putting it lightly.
See? He’s goin’ to have to go without for ages, and I’m sleeping in the garage now. Neither of us can afford a divorce - where the fuck would we live? It means the houses, kids, the lot. We can’t risk that. You do understand that, don’t you?
That’s your problem lads, if you wan’t to call it quits then fine, I will find somebody else to share this with.
Er. It’s not only our problem Sam. You know you said how slippy your suit was tonight? Well, and this don’t make me happy mate, it wasn’t oil to make it slide on easier like we said, it was, well, not to beat about the bush, to tell the truth, and getting right down to it, and I don’t mean to sort of skirt the issue, you understand? But, well, you know how bitchy the girls can be and they ain’t really fans of yours, and I can’t keep sleeping in the garage, you know. Well, to cut a long story short mate. It wasn’t oil. It was superglue. They told us to put it on your suit, breast forms, mask, wig and nails. Sorry Sam, but look on the bright side, eh? Your boots wasn't included!
Still friends, yeah?
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Damn,damn,damn! Ok Smithers, make a note'
Subject 62A, dosage rate of 2.5ml per 1000ml. Subject 62A attained sexual reorientation in expected time, however higher brain functions show no sign of diminishing. IQ appears unchanged. Dimensions of subject basically unaltered. Although the drug seems to have taken, with sexual preference, deportment and mode of dress showing favourable traits, Subject 62A needs to be re-admitted to the program.
Subject 62A, dosage rate of 2.5ml per 1000ml. Subject 62A attained sexual reorientation in expected time, however higher brain functions show no sign of diminishing. IQ appears unchanged. Dimensions of subject basically unaltered. Although the drug seems to have taken, with sexual preference, deportment and mode of dress showing favourable traits, Subject 62A needs to be re-admitted to the program.
62B, dosage 7.5ml in 1000ml. The subject showed immense promise during the
early stages of transition. Attained sexual re-orientation in expected time,
with noticeable decrease in IQ level. However, it appears the Aphrodite
Compound continued working after desired levels attained. Dimensions of subject
exceeded working desired parameters, sexual drive reached dangerous proportions
and IQ reached badger level. Mode of
dress and deportment excellent, although it seems the subject has difficulty
remaining upright for extended durations. The team recommend keeping Subject
62B in the facility for further observations.
. Ok
Smithers, send the acquisition party out for candidates to be designated
Subject 62C, I will remain here and study 62B a little longer.
Three Wishes
‘Hey Phil, I got it! I only
actually went and got it! The lamp of
Jymir the Great, the original genie! Three wishes to get whatever we want’.
‘That’s great Bernie, remember though, that he was a sly old bastard
apparently, so be careful what you wish for phrase it very carefully. And
nothing small-scale like ‘I wish we were more popular at school. OH shit.’
‘You prat Bernie! That’s only one wish left.
‘One? Two, you mean, I only used one’
‘Yes, but I have to waste another to get us back to our old bodies’
‘Er, you know maybe you shouldn’t, well, like, be so hasty perhaps Phil’.
Alan Birch was idly browsing the porn site when the pop-up appeared, ‘How much of a man are you? Macho, stud, or wimp? Take the quick test to find out really’. Well nothings really happening, so why not he thought. He clicked the link and got taken to ‘Big men and good girls’ REAL dates for REAL people’. ‘I should have known it was a dating site, but nothing to pay, so here goes’ he reasoned.
Q1. In a group of your men do you:-
a. take the lead b. play an equal part c. keep quiet mostly
He ticked ‘a’ and moved on.
Q2. A good looking girl passes you on the street, do you:-
a. Turn and stare at her ass b. give her a glance and shy smile c. Ignore her
‘Doh, I have a good ogle, of course!’, he ticked ‘a’.
There were 10 questions, and then a small challenge. ‘Find a path to the centre of the spiral’. The spiral appeared and Alan slowly found a path through it, it was a bit harder than t it would be, the spiral was very distracting, and it took about 10 minutes.
10 more questions followed.
Q11 Do you ever wear pink:-
a. never b. sometimes c. often
Q12 Do you spend much time grooming:-
a. Some, I'm a good looking guy though b. Not a lot, its a bit pansy. c. none,not worth it
Then another spiral maze test. The spiral seemed a little quicker and the route harder. He spent almost 30 minutes staring hard before he reached the centre.
Another 10 questions, followed by another spiral maze, each section of questions needing more honest answers, and each spiral taking longer. Then another 10, and another. He was determined to reach the end though, he needed to know the answer.
The 9th spiral took him hours, but by this time the time didn’t really matter, besides, he was vaguely aware the sun had come up hours ago. He brushed a stray strand of blonde hair out of his eyes, dimly wondering if a bit of red tint wouldn’t go amiss, and faced the last 10 questions.
Q91 In a group of men do you:-
a. keep quiet, as you know your place b. smile shyly and reply when spoken to c. flirt with everybody, hoping to get noticed
Q92 A good-looking man passes you in the street, do you:-
a. make eye contact and smile broadly b. make sure you add an extra wiggle to your walk hoping he will notice c. ignore him
Q93 Do you spend a lot of time on make-up:-
a. yes, lots, to look my very best b. moderate, I am quite pretty c. No, I prefer to look like shit.
Well done, you have completed the questionaire. Our computer shows 6 matches with Alpha males in your locality. Be a good girl and fill out the application form now. Be sure to include ‘phone details and a recent picture, then sit back and relax. Try the mazes again to pass time until you get a response.
He filled out the form, ‘Lana Birch, 26, tv, looking for a special man’ and so on……. The site suggested the spirals again, and helpfully put them all in a ’relaxation’ section. Lana, like a good girl, clicked on the first one………
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
The 7 Tests of Trothgard (with apols to Mr S Donaldson)
He was the greatest hero of the land, know from horizon to horizon as
Baghoon the Undefeatable. He was chosen by the council of firsts to be the man
to deliver salvation to the endangered people of the Land. Lord Kasreyn,
arch-mage of the Demondim spawn was casting envious eyes over the green and
fecund home of the peoples of Vespers, Baghoon’s homeland. Raiding parties had
already spread devestation in the North and it was only a metter of time before
the hordes would descend upon the Land.
The council implored Baghoon to take on the onerous task of defeating
the foul Kesreyn.
‘Do not fear, my people, for you, for the love of my fellow man, I will
accept the sacred trust you have given me. Though the test of the seven has
been tried a million times before without success, you may rest easy that I,
Baghoon the Invincible, will deliver peace to our fair Land, I will cleve Lord Kesryn’s head from his
shoulders in the name of truth, freedom and harmony.
He strode forth smugly, the cheers of thousands ringing in his ears.
The Dolewind had tried to blind
him with lacerating sand - he wrapped cloth around his eyes and trusted in his
The Peak of the Fire Lions threw its worst at him, but his swiftness saw
him pass.
Lifeswaller the Great
Swamp tried to pull him
under, but he captured and rode a giant swamp serpent acroos its vastness.
The three headed sand-gorgon he slayed from right beneath its belly.
The riddles of the Gaurdian of Helmut were answered with a laugh of
scorn so easy were they.
The Falling Fist of Satansheart was too cumbersome to overtrouble him,
so fleet were his feet.
The last test approached; cross the Hall of Silence deep in the Bowells
of The Grieve, at the very heart of Lord Kasreyns’ warrens. The Hall posed no
threat to such as him, despite the dire warnings of the ‘Curse of the Barby’
that protected them. He inched closer to his goal, his feet wrapped in oiled
clothes, his armour discarded, for he was no fool.Then.........
‘Oh bugger. Bugger, bugger, bugger thought our hero, swiftly followed by ‘At
least I didn’t break a nail’ and ‘Oh, hi guys, my what big swords you all
Monday, April 29, 2013
David started
waking up, god he felt awful, his chest was tight and the sheet must be wrapped
round his legs he thought. Through the grogginess
He replayed last
night. Home from work, dinner with his wife Stephanie, then he was just so
tired he could barely walk upstairs to bed. He glanced at the clock, it read
17.50 - he had slept almost 24 hours!. Then he caught sight of himself in the
‘So, you
are awake at last then David, good. Bit confused and lost are we? Well you just
shut up and lets have a chat about ‘Candice’ shall we?
‘I can
explain Steph, listen…’
the hell up David. Actually Candice is better considering how you look right
now. A few nights ago I saw an unusual entry on the search history, you know
what it was? ‘Course you do. It was ‘hypnoslutlounge’. ’The chatroom for
naughty girls to play with masterful hypnotists, enter and be prepared to lose
let me ….’
I also
found a new messenger account, namely ‘naughtyC’ - you really should be more
imaginative with your passwords dear- and the logs are quite full. You have
been a chatty girl Candice. Seems that you like to be a bit of a slut and you
just love having your orgasms controlled, don’t you? Bit odd though Candice,
that it seems it is the men you are attracted to, and how attracted you are! So
far I have found 5 men who you sucked off in chat and 2 who did you up the ass,
I’m sure there are more, but I ‘No! I havn’t finished! And guess what else I
find when I start looking? Why I find a haven’t read all the logs yet, and I
lost count of the amount of ’Masters’. But you know the biggest shock? The one
that made all this inevitable? Well darling, sending pictures of me to these
guys, now that was a teeny bit wrong of you I think. If any of them find their
way into the public domain I will cut your balls off and make you eat them,
not what you th…’
‘Now Candice, this is what
is going to happen now. You will continue using the site, but only when I am
present ( I have changed the passwords by the way), and you will be dressed
like you are now, and you will chat away like you do, doing what you always
did, but this time when they ask for video chats you will be happy to
agree. I’ve helped with the orgasm
control as well, your cock is well and truly locked tight away, and you will
never find the key. If it looks fun, I may join myself, after all a girl needs
a bit of sex occasionally, and I’m really not interested in lesbian sex, so
that counts you out. See? I can be understanding and generous.
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