Thursday, May 2, 2013


                                                                                            Damn,damn,damn!  Ok Smithers, make a note'

 Subject 62A, dosage rate of 2.5ml per 1000ml. Subject 62A attained sexual reorientation in expected time, however higher brain functions show no sign of diminishing. IQ appears unchanged. Dimensions of subject basically unaltered. Although the drug seems to have taken, with sexual preference, deportment and mode of dress showing favourable traits, Subject 62A needs to be re-admitted to the program.

Subject 62B, dosage 7.5ml in 1000ml. The subject showed immense promise during the early stages of transition. Attained sexual re-orientation in expected time, with noticeable decrease in IQ level. However, it appears the Aphrodite Compound continued working after desired levels attained. Dimensions of subject exceeded working desired parameters, sexual drive reached dangerous proportions and IQ reached  badger level. Mode of dress and deportment excellent, although it seems the subject has difficulty remaining upright for extended durations. The team recommend keeping Subject 62B in the facility for further observations.

.Ok Smithers, send the acquisition party out for candidates to be designated Subject 62C, I will remain here and study 62B a little longer.